Doing biology in India

Exploring areas of study, work opportunities, and people and groups who ‘do biology’

By reading iThink Biology, you have been introduced to a range of scientific processes and tools in biology. You have even got a glimpse of the ways in which biology and society intersect. This means a lot of thinking! But, what about the doing?

There are different ways to ‘do biology’ all around us. Real-life engagement with science not only offers you the chance to participate in what you have read and learned about during class hours, but also acquaints you with the diverse areas of work or study that you may be interested in exploring.

Moreover, keeping an eye on people and groups who ‘do biology’ can also help you to keep up to date with the latest debates and discoveries in the relevant fields.

To encourage you to start your adventures with biology, we are sharing a non-exhaustive list of organisations or opportunities of work based in India that you can go through. This list will be updated to accommodate new opportunities. If an organisation does not have current openings, search for faculty or researchers in that organisation who are working on topics that interest you – they may need a helping hand!

Educational institutes

Other organisations

If you are an organisation or individual who wishes to have your name and details added to this list, please write to us at